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Kazakhstan is located in the heart of the Eurasian continent. Its territory is 2 724 900 square meters. km (1,049,150 square miles). This is the second in the CIS and the ninth largest country in the world. On its territory, Kazakhstan is larger than the twelve countries of the European Union! It borders

on Kazakhstan with China, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Russia. The total length of the border is 12187 km.

The remoteness of the country from the oceans and the vastness of its territory is determined by the climatic conditions of Kazakhstan. The climate here is sharply conti

nental with an average temperature between -19 ... -4 ° C in January and in July between +19 ... + 26 ° C. In winter, the temperature may drop to -45 ° C, and in summer to rise to +30 ° C.

Capital: Astana (since December 10, 1997) with a population of 828 759 people (02.06.2014).

Capital city

Astana is a city where the opportunities of modern architecture were manifested. The main idea of ​​building Astana is the embodiment in architecture of the combination of the rationality of the West and the elegance of the East, the grandeur of Europe and the originality of Asia. In the construction of the city, in changing its appearance, the most advanced technologies and innovative methods of town planning art of the 21st century were applied. World-famous architects embodied their best projects here. The bridgehead for this was the left bank of the Yesil River, which until recently was empty. On a completely uninhabited territory, where high steppe grass used to be pricking, began to erect magnificent buildings of the new capital.

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