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Finnish Facts

The largest city in Finland

1. Day For Failure

Finland has an annual Day for Failure that takes lace on 13th of October. Finnish humour is incomparable.

2. More than thousands of lakes

There’s over 185 000 lakes and over 175 000 islands in Finland.

3. Get your own phone

There is no payphone’s in Finland, although we are famous for cellphones.

4. Sports and entertainment

We have odd sports: wife carrying contest, air guitar contest, mosquito hunting, swamp football... you name it

5. Freedom

Freedom to Roam: you can swim, fish, sail, sleep or forage anywhere you like.

6. Milk lunatics

We consume 1 litre of milk per person every day – but 17 % of population are lactose intolerant.

7. Fast n furious

You should not speed if you are rich – traffic violation can become expensive. There was once a man who got 200 000 € fine for simply speeding offence.

8. Home of heavy metal

There are the most heavy metal bands per capita. Just to name few: Children of Bodom, Amorphis, Nightwish, Apocalyptica, Kotiteollisuus…

9. Tango, shall we?

Tango is very popular in Finland and we have this legendary festival called Tangomarkkinat. Tango is originally from South America but it has grown popularity in Finland since 1913.

10. In Finland we have Black Friday too

Which is basically every Friday from October to March.

11. Do you know what Finnish small talk is called?


12. November in Finnish is called Marraskuu, which literally means Death Month

That’s when everything dies and the darkness sets

13. What is rain called in Finland?

Liquid sunshine.

14. In Finland we had a police reindeer.

Unfortunately it got hit by a car.

15. In Finland we have a 3 month long solar eclipse.

It’s called winter

16. We have ”National Sleepy Head day”.

The last person in family to wake up will be thrown into a lake.

17. In the bible when it rained for 40 days and nights, it was called a disaster.

In Finland we call it summer.

18. Finnophile = ?

It means a person who is obsesses with everything from Finland and often the Finnish language.

19. Sauna is Finnish invention but did you know..

The Finnish word ”sauna” is now used in more than 100 languages

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